Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ikan Sumbat

aka Stuffed Fish =D

- Zaty.

Made by Ma.
I forgot the real ingredients, so I'll recheck this later.

Fishies (here, ikan kembung = trouts?), sugar, sliced chilli, minced ginger, kelapa purut (shaved coconut insides?), cooking oil, sliced onions.

1. Cut the fishes across its upper body on one side, making a wide space to put stuffing in.
2. Add all the other ingredients together nicely.
3. Stuff #2 into the #1 fishes, like thus:

SL731117 SL731119

4. 'Marinate' these for more than an hour by putting the stuffed uncooked fishes in the fridge (go watch TV or cook rice or whatever)
5. When you feel like eating, take them out and fry these in a large wok after heating up the oil.

Note : due to the usage of kelapa purut, the amount of cooking oil used may be a lot. Just a reminder =)

So how does it look?


To this:
SL731187 SL731203

Itadakimasu!!! ^__^

To be eaten with rice, in case you were wondering. But if you were to ratah (eat w/out rice), it still tastes good. Only it doesn't feel 'complete'. =)


comot said...

waaa nampak sedap!!!! nak try tp di sini ikannye pelik2!!!
good job zaty!!

Z said...

hahaha tu la, ikan2 kat sana besar2 kan? huuhu ;T