Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ayam Masak Lomak Cili Api

- Aten.

Hey dudes!

aten yg xrajin tulis blog would like to contribute sumthing even though she is obviously not a great cook!! (malu la zaty, i bukan chef~~~) (zaty : eleh ye la tuuu ^_^) ;p sorry peeps.. forgive me coz i'm going to use manglish?? takut nanti jadi bende lain pulak kalo speaking je!! gagagaga

So in conjunction with Ramadhan al Mubarak, I think lots of u guys will end up frust at your toilet just to think about what to cook especially for those who cook everyday. So here's some tips!! ngeeee~

Periuk TRC, blender Nanad, chopping board Firus, mangkuk kecik, senduk, sudu.

Chemical stuff required:
8 small pcs of chicken (those in Auckland, halal chickens can get from Mohamad ;p), coconut milk (thick and less thick), cili api (or cili padi), kunyit (basah/kering), garlic and serai (lemongrass), sugar, salt.

Note: tu je kot? kalo ade terkurang or terlebih pepandaila adjust ;p

1. Defreeze chicken if frozen. Masukkan dalam microwave TRC for about 10 minutes.

2. Blender (or tumbuk pakai lesung) 5-10 butir cili api bercampur dgn bawang putih 3-4 ulas. If pakai kunyit basah boleh campur skali.

3. Panaskan kuali/periuk (with or without oil ;p).

4. Masukkan ayam & kentang ke dalam periuk dan ramuan2 yang dah diblender (#2).

5. Masukkan 3-4 cawan air (sukati la nak kuah banyak mane) or santan yg cair dulu (kalau pakai kelape fresh)

6. Biar sehingge mendidih.

7. Setelah mendidih, masukkan santan pekat, kacau dan tambahkan salt secukup rase (bulan pose jgn suke2 nak rase tau!! mintaklah pertolongan org yg xpuase seperti...hehehe)

8. Masukkan serai yang telah ditumbuk hujungnye.

9. Kalau ayam & kentang dah empuk, bolehlah tutup api yeh?

Note: Nak tambah sayur macam carrot or kacang panjang pun boleh :)

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p/s : ampunkan saye kalau tersilap~

Idea asal: Pn Erabiah Abdul Samad. (luvluv~~)

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